Really helps with my reflux.I take every night before bed.Helps coat the throat
So easy and simple to purchase items at a great price. Keep up the good work.
Clinicians Del-Immune V is a unique formula made from a special strain of lactic acid producing bacteria called Lactobacillus rhamnosus DV. This particular organism has a very important function in our intestine, namely the role of developing and regulating our immune system throughout life. Scientists have discovered that the immune supporting components of bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus DV actually lie within the cell wall, which enables the body to stimulate its own natural immune response.
The Del-Immune V lactobacilli are cultured and then the cell walls are broken apart or lysed. This frees up the immune-active amino acids and peptides that are usually sequestered inside the cells, allowing them to have direct access to support the body’s own immune response.
Cell walls and cell wall fragments have been used in Europe and Russia as immune supporting agents for over 4 decades and have demonstrated consistent efficacy. In fact, Del-Immune V was developed by Russian researchers for use against biological warfare agents. It was during this time that microbiologists discovered how to lyse the cell walls, resulting in powerful immune supporting cell wall fragments. Del-Immune V was introduced into the United States nearly a decade ago, where revolutionary technology enabled the product to be further refined resulting in an improved and more potent formula.
Del-Immune V works by supporting the innate or primary immune system as well as acquired immune system which is involved in antibody production. It also supports the synthesis of important proteins called cytokines that modulate immune function.
Del Immune V plays a vital role in supporting overall body function (including healthy nasal passages, bronchial tubes, airways and upper respiratory tract, blood, skin, bowel and liver etc) and aids the body’s defences for ills and chills.
Del Immune V supports the body’s responses to allergens.
Active ingredient in 1 vegetable capsule: | |
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (DV strain) lysate powder | 25mg |
Also contains: Microcrystalline celluose.
No added: gluten, dairy, yeast, artificial colours or preservatives.
Recommended adult dosage:
For immediate support, take 2 capsules morning and night for 4 days, then 2 capsules daily for at least 5 days.
As a maintenance dose, take 1 capsule daily or as directed.
Exercise caution, or avoid with individuals who have Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Systematic Lupus Erythematosus. Both conditions express an up regulated immune system. N.B. the cytokine (inflammatory protein) causing MS is unrelated to the cytokine activated by Del-Immune V™
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant or lactating women should consult their health professional before taking any supplements.